KMSAuto Lite Portable TEST4

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KMSAuto Lite - KMS-activator for the operating systems Windows VL editions: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Windows 10 10147, Server 2008 R2 2008 2012 2012 R2 and Office 2010, 2013, 2016.Possible activation of Office 2010 VL on Windows XP. The program only three buttons, each of which performs exactly what thereon. The program does not require any version of any .NET Framework.

Additional Information: 
"Tick" gives access to the installation GVLK keys. Keys are set not only to activate the product. 
If you select "Set to force", the keys are installed on all products, including activated.
System requirements: 
Windows XP, Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 10 10147, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, Office 2010/2013/2016 VL editions.

Additional options run the program (keys): 
/ win = act - Run the program in stealth mode, activate Windows, and exit the program.
/ ofs = act - Run the program in stealth mode, activate Office and exit.
/ wingvlk = inst - Run the program in stealth mode, install the Windows key and exit.
/ ofsgvlk = inst - Run the program in stealth mode, install Office, and the keys to exit the program.
/ ofs = conv - Run the program in stealth mode, to convert Office 2013 RETAIL in VL and exit the program. Convert just do not activate the product.
/ sched = win - Create a task scheduler to activate Windows every 25 days.
/ sched = ofs - Create a task scheduler to activate Office every 25 days.
*** Keys set mandatory settings can be used together.
*** Convert RETAIL -> VL can be activated not only office products.

On the "Settings" tab, you can specify an external address KMS-Service. Built into the program service activation will not run. On error activation 0xc004f074 make sure that your firewall does not prevent connection to your KMS-Service.
If you create a task scheduler for reactivation (in the program for this special tab), the program itself can be moved wherever you want, you can even completely remove it for reactivation is not needed.

Installing KMS-Service
On the "Settings" tab, you can set the system KMS-Service, Windows 7-8 will be activated independently of him, if configured, atпорт, and on your network can be activated at any of the systems and offices.
Fixed server does not conflict with any task scheduler or manual activation using the "Activate Windows" and "Activate Office". If your system is 8.1, at the time of activation will be installed a special driver, who retired at the end of activation.
For this configuration to be installed "Integrated == == KMS-Service".
You can also configure the activation of an external server is activated by pressing in the main window of your system settings are changed, they will be restored immediately after activation.
With the two buttons at the bottom of the window "Settings" you can view the log file of a running server.

"And I do not activated !!!!"
Perhaps you have a product not VL, not intended for activation of KMS-Service (Windows 7 Ultimate (Ultimate) program is not activated), or your antivirus blocks the activation.

Changes in version

Fixed: Installation and activation GVLK 2016 ProjectPro and VisioPro

Fixed: Installation and activation GVLK 2016 ProjectPro and VisioPro

-Added: Installation and activation GVLK 2016 ProjectPro and VisioPro.

-Added: Installation keys and activate Windows 10 10147, installation keys and activation of Office 2016
conversion of Office 2016 RETAIL> VL.
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